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What is Plasma Fibroblast Therapy? Plasma Fibroblast is a non-surgical skin tightening treatment designed to shrink, tighten and reduce the volume of excess skin by targeting fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are collagen and protein-producing cells in the dermis - the layer of skin just below your outermost skin layer.

Plasma Fibroblast is a skin tightening treatment which dramatically reduces hooded eyelids, eye bags, crows feet, jowls, neck and so much more. We can remove skin tags and age spots, reduce stretch marks and can tighten stomach's.

How does it work
Plasma blast works on the principal of ionised gas in the air. At the right distance from the skin, oxygen and nitrogen are mixed, and the electrostatic energy produces the plasmatic effusion or arc, which discharges onto the skin.
Without actually touching the skin, this plasma arc vaporises the skin forcing it to contract and stimulates fibroblasts – the cells responsible for the production of collagen.
Small carbon crusts form on the skin, resembling dots, which slough away over the coming days to reveal regenerated skin.
This micro-trauma and stimulation is the key to the treatments results.

How long does it last ?
Generally speaking, most men and women can enjoy the results of fibroblasting for up to two years before a repeat treatment may be needed. Some helpful tips to maintain and prolong your fibroblast results include: Avoid sun exposure. Wear sunscreen

Does It Hurt? No. Fibroblast treatment is a non-surgical solution for skin tightening. There is no pain associated with this procedure, though some patients may feel a minimal amount of discomfort.

The procedure
To ensure comfort a local anaesthetic cream can be applied before commencing the procedure. You can expect a small degree of swelling when treating the eye area, which usually resolves quickly within 3 or 4 days.
Small circular carbon crusts form at each treatment point, which slough away after a few days but may take up to a week to completely clear. After care balms expedite healing, and minimise infection risk. Once the skin has healed you will be left with more youthful, radiant skin.
The results from this treatment are dramatic and long lasting, so usually a single treatment is enough to achieve the results you will want.
However, if you want a stronger result then the procedure can be repeated after 3 months. Because of its permanency repeat treatments are only required further as you genetically age.


Consultation and quotation free

Hooded eyes £180

Eye bags £180

Facial rejuvination £180 per area

Quotes will be given prior to treatment depending on areas and sittings required

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